
Since day one, MC Group Logistics has been and will always be a company focused on the security of its clients, suppliers, collaborators, units and facilities. That is why we prioritize this aspect in every stage of our entire operation and take all the necessary measures to have certifications that allow us to operate on both sides of the border and that endorse us as a safe and reliable service.


Authorized Economic Operator (OEA in its Spanish acronym)

As an Authorized Economic Operator, we are committed to meet all security requirements suggested by customs authorities, which accredits us as a safe company for our clients.

Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT)

We comply with the guidelines of the CTPAT program, to guarantee the security of our operation as part of the supply chain.

The Free and Secure Trade (FAST)

This certification benefits and classifies us as low-risk transportation service and allows the crossing of our clients’ merchandise in a faster and safer way.

SmartWay Transport Partner

We are committed to operate in an environmentally responsible manner, to protect the environment, reduce fuel consumption and improve air quality for future generations.

California Air Resources Board

We adhere to regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving the fuel efficiency of our tractors.

Security Criteria

Security Equipment

There is security staff 24/7, controlled accesses and surveillance cameras at each of our locations. We also protect our cyber security, through practices that support our networks, devices and information against damage or unauthorized access.

Hiring Process

Our collaborators are our most valuable asset, we make sure we only have well-trained and reliable people on our team. To make sure of this, we request past job references, certificate of no criminal record, anti-doping test and a socioeconomic study. In addition, our collaborators are trained in CTPAT and OEA.

Collaborators and Visitors

All of our collaborators wear uniforms, badges and have access cards that identifies and allows them to enter our facilities. Visitors are required to check in and out of our buildings, and are identified with a visitor badge during their visit. 

Security Patrols

There are regularly scheduled patrols at each of our facilities to ensure our perimeter is not compromised in any form.

Inspection of Units

All our units are inspected upon entering and leaving our facilities and at loading points. These inspections follow the guidelines required by CTPAT and OEA.

GPS Tracking Department

All our units are equipped with a GPS system and there is a dedicated team to monitor their route and location at all times.  

Geo-fences and Geo-routes

We establish virtual perimeters and routes that allow us to know the exact location of our units and preventing any detours.

Electronic Logging Device (ELD)

In compliance with DOT regulations, our drivers are required to keep record of their service hours to keep themselves and others safe at all times.

K9 Inspections

Canine (K9) inspection of our facilities and units take place regularly and are also available upon our clients’ request. 

Internal Audit Department

We periodically perform internal audits of all our security measures to guarantee that all requirements are met. 

Business Partners

We promote and validate that our business partners comply with the safety guidelines suggested in the security programs that we follow.